
    Savings system

    To reward our trusted customer, we work with a savings system. At the end of the wintersport season (July 1st), we check the amount you have spent during the past year at our store. All purchased products count, except sale items. Depending the total amount spent during the period, you will receive a voucher in October that is valid for 3 months. The savings system automatically works starting from a total spending of €100 and is constructed as follows:

    Total Amount SpentVoucher Amount
    €100 - €3993% of Total Amount Spent
    €400 - €6994% of Total Amount Spent
    €700 - €9995% of Total Amount Spent
    €1000 +6% of Total Amount Spent

    Note: the voucher can not be used for maintenance of skis and snowboards and for bootfitting adjustments.

    More information

    In case you need more information, please check our general conditions or contact us.


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